
Tuesday, September 27

let it be

Here's a look at the painting inspired by the song, for a very special person in my life (who happens to LOVE the Beatles)...

I did this painting for my father-in-law for his birthday. My mother-in-law told me that he would really like a painting to hang in his office, so I knew it had to be special. This song (and the Beatles, in general) have been in his top list of favorites for a long time and hold special meaning to him. I knew since this was for a man that I should probably stay away from swirly colorful trees - haha - so I decided to try something new and little more bold & graphic.

I decided to make this look a little aged with the surface treatment and use font that might look like it was from and old sign or something. I took the words right off the edges, as you can see in the image above. I'm SO loving the way it turned out! I have had some other requests to do some paintings with a lot of text and I think I will probably go in the same direction with them. 

 Now I'm off to tackle my long list of fun projects for the week! Thanks for stopping by today!

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, 

speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. 
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. 

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, 
there will be an answer, let it be. 
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, 
there will be an answer. let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, ..... 

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me, 
shine until tomorrow, let it be. 
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, ..... 


  1. RAGAN!!! I LOVE this!!! I LOVE the way the letters go off the page and how when I read the words I really FEEL them because of the are incredible! I love your painterly passion!

  2. thank you! it was fun & different to make :) much more methodical than what i've become used to.


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