
Thursday, September 26

about as fun as watching paint dry

Today I'm coming to you from my iPad with the new iOS 7 software (love it) in my special round chair in my newly painted, fresh white studio. To say it is a goal/dream realized would be the understatement of the year. 

I've been posting in-progress pics on Facebook since the painting began, so I wanted to share a little with my readers here, too. 
Ok, we're committed. 
Clean, crisp, and brighter already. 
Tackling the vaulted ceiling, no easy task. 
The flat strip of ceiling that runs through the middle is going to remain unpainted, and will receive special treatment at another time :)
Here you can see a little section of the room becoming more finalized. To give you a nice point of reference, the doors you see in this photo are about 8-ish feet tall, and the very top of my vaulted ceiling reaches 12 feet high. You can also see I still need to clean up the mess on my big work table. 

It's safe to say this is the place where I spend most do my "down time". I am thrilled that it is finally becoming more functional and put together. I'll be doing my first official run of pallet hunting this weekend and completing that project as soon as I can. We're in the home stretch, and I couldn't be more excited!!

What's left?
*ceiling treatment 
*hang shelves for more storage 
*put up/hang decor, inspiration board, and other things to make this the studio of my dreams!

I bet you're wondering about my decorator's A.D.D. and whatever happened in the master bedroom? Well, I bought my curtains and just have to lengthen them for our high ceilings, my floating photo ledge is up and looking fabulous, and I'll be giving you a nice little upholstered headboard DIY post sometime soon, hopefully!

The cooler weather is inspiring, as things are becoming more colorful and we're able to spend more time outdoors. Our house is already outfitted with pumpkins in every nook & cranny, and the house smells like fall. Know what I mean? This really is the most wonderful time of the year, before the craziness of the holidays starts and we're able to enjoy a nice little calm before the storm/after the heat wave of summer. 

I'm also thrilled to bring you a new series for the month of October, 31 Days of Fall. Won't you come and join us?

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