
Friday, January 10

sorry, not sorry

Well look what we have here, another year has passed and I'm still getting used to writing "2014" on everything. 

If you've noticed I haven't posted in two months, thanks for that. Truth be told, December is officially THE most insane, wish-it-was-over month of all time. I really need to find a better way to cope.

It's always been super busy because, well, you know, the holidays and all, but I happen to have a birthday the week before Christmas (and this year it was a big one), and a certain little someone had his second birthday within that precious time frame as well. So although I usually proudly call myself a "party planning master", this year I was just not feeling it. Maybe that had something to do with the morning all-day sickness & exhaustion I've been experiencing lately because, oh yeah, we also found out we're expecting. 
birthday buddies!
To say the last two months have been a whirlwind is a complete understatement, and I for one am just glad to be enjoying January with the holidays and all Christmas decorations behind us. So I'm sorry I haven't exactly been on the radar lately, but not really. Sometimes just getting through the day chasing a toddler around while trying not to throw up/fall down from utter exhaustion is all I have. And for that reason, I thank you for your patience. 
I have some plans to show you some neat projects including the nursery I'm chomping at the bit to paint/get started on/etc. You know what? I don't believe I have ever shared photos of little man's finished room with you either. I should get on that. 

I've been pinning ideas/inspiration for the new baby room like a mad woman. As soon as hubby and I look things over and agree on a few ideas, AND we get that extra bedroom/catch-all room cleared of boxes that still haven't been unpacked since our move in May, it's "wheels off" as he likes to say. Most of the buying/making/decorating will have to wait until we find out if we're having a little mister or a little miss in March. But really, I can't wait much longer to just do something

I'm working on a post I'll be publishing later next week about my thoughts on turning thirty. 30. yikes. 

Hope you're all recovering from the holidays and enjoying your January :)

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