
Wednesday, February 12

back on track

Last week we were fortunate enough to spend some time in sunny Florida while North Texas was hit with not one but two icy snow storms. We went to Tampa to attend my ten year reunion at Florida College and spent time with some friends I haven't seen since our college days together! It was a nice little getaway, but after a little bout with fever and a stomach virus (poor little man), we were definitely ready to be back home. Here's a few snapshots from our first family trip to the beach!

Since we've been back, I've been waiting for a nice sunny day to take a few more photos of our in-progress nursery. The white background for the focal wall is done and the room looks astonishingly different. I even got a comment from hubby, "This room really does look a lot better." I don't know when he's going to learn to trust me. Now we have to lay out the design on the wall to be painted once we find out what baby Mo will be, and I need to sew my curtains this week! So that's next on the agenda.
We pushed the full bed over into the corner so we could see more of the room at once and also give ourselves some space for bringing things in & taking things out. You may notice that I didn't finish the top edge of the white paint, and there's a reason for that. The design we're going to lay out will cover up the top edge of the wall, so I didn't see any point in edging it with a nice straight line when I was just going to paint over it eventually. You'll also see the nineties-tastic fan that both of our kids' rooms are sporting, and we hope to replace the fans sometime in the near future with something prettier and more modern, though it will still be a ceiling fan, because we live in TEXAS. Enough said. 
I'm LOVING the fabric I ordered from for the curtains and some of the bedding and accent pieces. It's a larger chevron print and will go great with our color schemes, whether Mo is a he or a she. I've bought fabric from them several times before and their prices, selection, and quality can't be beat!
Right now it does look very plain, and that's ok. It won't stay that way for long. If it seems like we are making little progress, I suppose that's because you won't necessarily see all the little "behind the scenes" things I've been working on pretty much every day. The room is more organized - all the baby items stored away in random closets and spaces in the house have been brought into one central location (in the nursery, where they belong) and most non-baby items have been moved into more appropriate places. Bringing another human into our home is forcing me to really make sure things have their proper place since our move last May. I almost can't believe in a few short weeks we will be half-way through this deal with a name to put to this belly. Thanks to my second trimester energy, I'm really raring to go and am excitedly checking things off all my lists, big and small.

I'm sure we will be furniture shopping in the near future for things to fit in this new space, but we'll probably wait until we find out what Mo is before making any final decisions. We like really timeless pieces that have clean, contemporary lines, but I feel like even classic furniture can be swayed to look more male or female. So that's another thing we can start thinking about, but are waiting a bit before making any final decisions.

Project Nursery rundown:
  • paint grey walls
  • paint white focal wall
  • sew and hang new curtains - in progress
  • lay out design for focal wall
  • paint color(s) on focal wall once we find out the sex of baby "Mo"
  • get rid of full bed
  • bring in new crib, dresser, and shelves
  • make bedding for crib
  • bring orange glider in from little man's room
  • accessorize shelves
  • hang art on wall
  • eventually update ceiling fan and doorknobs
  • have a baby
Thanks for checking in on this little update! The next few weeks are going to bring much bigger, bolder things to this room! 

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