
Saturday, February 12

Saturdays in the Studio

This special feature of "Saturdays in the  Studio" is actually a look at the life of my students as studio artists. Today was our Regional UIL Competition, VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event). I took 8 kids with 10 pieces of artwork. Their artworks are scored visually, and then the students also go through a question & answer "interview"-type session with judges so they can speak about their work. 
Of their ten pieces, SEVEN scored a 4 (highest possible score) and also received a gold metal. Two scored a 3, and one a score of 2.
It was an incredibly long day but I am so very proud of my students and all of their hard work. It really was all worth it to see them screaming and jumping up and down, hugging me and giving each other high-fives, and crying tears of joy and pride over their accomplishments.

And now, off to bed after a very long day! I leave you with photos of their award-winning artwork :)

one if my favorites! She titled it, "sploosh"

one of my favorites, and our second-highest scoring piece

our highest scoring piece, a perfect 60 to put her at the top of category 4

and this is basically a photograph of the student - so dead on! such incredible talent!

I'm so very proud!!

1 comment:

  1. How EXCITING! I can't wait to see! I'm so proud of're an amazing teacher and I know I've learned so much from you :)


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