
Sunday, May 4

curtain call

It's obvious that I've been a little M.I.A. for a while. Life is getting so full of fun and craziness prepping for life with another baby that I have had to put work and blogging on the back burner. It's safe to say I probably won't have anything new or fun to share with you as often as I would like. 

The nursery is turning out fantastic and little man's room has transformed into a BIG man room and we are all thrilled about it  Other than getting ready for baby and surviving my last trimester and first few months (or years) as a mom of two, I don't/won't/choose not to have time for much else. My etsy shop has been closed for a while now, and I don't have any plans in the foreseeable future of reopening the store. I do love taking custom orders on the side (as I can handle them) and will of course always pursue a life full of love for all things art and design.

At this time, I feel my priorities are majorly shifting as our family expands, and I want to soak up all the time I can with my babies at home, and spend more time devoting myself to my husband and my Lord. For this reason, I am posting a notice to you all that I'm officially "closing the doors" as an etsy seller and blogger, in an effort to focus more attention on the wonderful life that is all around me.

This decision has weighed on my heart and is something I have thought through and prayed about for weeks. It has become a heavy load to keep up with the business end of blogging, producing, etc. and I have begun to stretch myself thin. I hope you will all understand that it is important for me to take a step back and concentrate on the precious gifts of fleeting moments with littles at home, devote more energy to supporting and loving my husband, and building a stronger bond with Christ my Lord.

I must also mention that this will only be temporary. As our children grow older and I am able to spend more time and energy on my business as an artist and instructor, I am sure that I will be making more appearances, hopefully to share some fun lessons/tutorials for you all.

Thank you all for the love, support, and encouragement throughout this adventure! I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. In the meantime, please keep our family in your prayers, and always know how grateful I am to have shared this experience with you!

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