The weather has been crazy lately and it seems like it's been raining every day, off & on for several weeks. I'm not complaining, though. We love the rain - our yard is looking gorgeous and lush and it's keeping the high summer temperatures at bay - at least for now. So even though it was a cloudy day, the temperature was quite nice. We decided to head to a nearby park to try it out for the first time. Little man seemed to really enjoy himself, despite the fact that the playground equipment was overrun with giant, rowdy 5th graders out for an end-of-school party. Also the 5th grade boys thought the "baby wearing the #YOLO shirt" was hilariously awesome, as did I.
Since I'm stiillllll putting the "finishing touches" on little man's room, I thought I'd give you a nice before and after post of our laundry room.
Unfortunately (or maybe not), I only managed to snap one before image.
The image to the right is just after I painted the accent wall (paint still drying) and attached the cabinet knobs. A pop of color can make quite a difference in a blah-beige room! I once heard on HGTV the cabinet hardware called the "jewelry of the room". So I love the little "stud earrings" we brought over from our other house and added here.
I had planned to paint all the other walls a dark charcoal color but just couldn't darken it up once I saw how bright & cheery the room was the next day. I thought about painting all the other walls a crisp white (the base and current color is builder-grade blah-beige), but the ceilings aren't white, so then the ceilings would look dirty. This is a problem I've run into throughout the house but I'm coping.
Here's how everything looks now...
LOVING it! The room is nice and bright during the daytime since we have a window in there and I actually enjoy going in to do laundry. But don't tell anyone.
To the right of the washer & dryer, I have a painting that was done by one of my students the last semester I taught public school. I was going over it in a critique with her and I couldn't stop telling her how crazy I was about it! She surprised me on the last day of school (my last day teaching) with the painting and a SUPER sweet letter written for me, attached to the back. This is a piece I treasure very much and I really like how it fits in this room. Isn't it fantastic?!
Opposite the washer & dryer, the previous owners left this awesome shelf/hanging bar which I'm already using on a daily basis. The shelf is where I store my portable high chair & some other baby things we use when we go out. I also keep my large utility tote by thirty-one here. I typically use it when we go out swimming because the size is perfect to hold towels, swimwear, snacks, etc. Plus the lining is like plastic so it holds wet things well.
Under the shelf I took a few metal cabinet doors from the As-Is section at Ikea and am using them to keep all my notes & coupons & stuff off the refrigerator. One I kept the glossy white paint finish and am using it as a dry erase board for a running grocery list. The other I covered with fabric and use magnets to stick things all over.

There's a nice space behind the door where I can store my ironing board and broom for quick & easy access. I know, I know, I need to get a new ironing board cover...
I made this handy little hook thingy so I could hang my ironing board on the wall. I previously had it hanging on an over-the-door rack but I was tired of hearing it clanging around any time the door was touched. I found this idea on Pinterest, and again, got the goods from Ikea's As-Is section. Total cost of the project was maybe $7.
On the wall that greets you as you open the door, I framed a precious poem purchased from Etsy to serve as a reminder that the most important thing I can do as a mom is not to keep the laundry going & the house tidy, but to cherish every fleeting moment with my little guy while he's still young.Up above the cabinets are some baskets for storage (which are still empty) and a nice open space awaiting a fingerpaint masterpiece. At some point I'll replace the fluorescent light with a cute pendant or chandelier... but not today.
Can't get over this color!!
Let's take one more look at the transformation, shall we?

Paint color: Gecko by Valspar
Baskets: Target
Large Utility Tote: thirty-one gifts
Metal cabinet doors & ironing board base - Ikea
Hooks & cabinet hardware - Lowe's
"Song for a fifth child" print - Pemberton Prints via Etsy
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