Like the rest of our house, this room was painted in flat blah-beige paint. The room had an orange and blue stripe running around the room about six feet up. We liked the stripes, but I wanted to do them differently. Plus the wall color had to go.
Please excuse the mess and iPhone quality photos.

I knew the room would probably be a lighter color so I needed to prime over the stripes to ensure complete coverage. There's not many options out there that are safe for pregnancy. Lo and behold, Kilz actually makes a NON-VOC primer (which the lady at Lowe's didn't even realize existed), so my little preggie heart was happy knowing I wouldn't have to direct this task to someone else and could just knock it out myself.
This stuff seriously did the trick. I was only surprised because I've never really used primer before. I went over the stripes twice, just to make sure they were totally blocked out.
After priming the stripes, I went ahead with my favorite angle brush and did all the edging in the color I decided on - Granite Dust by Valspar (also the same color as the playroom, kitchen, and dining room). Valspar Signature is the best. paint. ever. I will use nothing else. It's thick, got great coverage, and is also ZERO-VOC! Safe to use for all you preggies out there! At this point I was already beginning to see the difference the new color would make and fell in love. The grey offered a better contrast to all the trim and was softer on the eyes than the obnoxious yellowish-beige.
You can see a little preview of some of the fabric I plan to use for curtains and some of the bedding in here, whether this nugget is a boy or a girl. For a boy, we will bring in orange with the navy, and for a girl we will be doing coral & orange with a little navy for some contrast and weight. So we really are bringing the previous colors back, just in better form. The wall left unpainted will be given a base coat of white, which will eventually become the focal wall in the room.
LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to see!